Our Missions
Our Mission Director: Sandra Huntsman
Mission Work
God asks that we not only grow in our knowledge of Him, but that we also go out to others with the good news of what he has done through Jesus. Therefore, we strive to support our local projects to support our community as well as needs around the world. We also support a Ministerial Education system that prepares pastors and teachers to proclaim Christ here and around and around the world.
The Pantry -- The pantry is open on the first and third Thursday evenings of the month from 5:30-6:30 pm and offers food to those who need it. You can support this mission by volunteering from 5-6:30 pm. on these Thursdays.
Greenville County Foster Parents Assoc. (GCFPA)
World Mission Prayer League (WMPL)
Corner's of Your Field, A Miracle Hill Program, which helps us help others through gift cards earned from our donations of gently used items.
Disaster Relief (US disasters)
Lutheran World Relief (LWR) International Disasters
Water Mission (international)
Congo Mission Appeal
Uganda Mission -- Avery, Arlene's granddaughter, is teaching abroad
Sola Publishing
Gordon-Conwell Seminary, Charlotte, NC